Three Trails Ranch Vision
A Great Commission Purpose to include outreach, evangelism, discipleship, leadership development and spiritual multiplication that will influence the world for Christ.
Below are listed a few of the main objectives:
Mission Purpose and Statement - To provide a year round wilderness camp as a discipleship training facility that will:
- Promote the moral and spiritual values and interests of the youth.
- Encourage the development of traditional Christian family values.
- Expose all groups, including the secular and sectarian youth, including adult groups, to the basic message of Jesus Christ in the Bible.
- To provide Great Commission training including outreach, evangelism, discipleship, mentoring and leadership development that will lead to spiritual multiplication.
Master Plan Staff Development and Training:
- Staff retreats and conferences
- New staff training and support
- Internship center; a place to house and train 1 to 2 year interns
- Major leadership conferences
- Pastor and Christian worker retreats and conferences
- Great Commission workshops
- Marriage and family retreats
- Men's ministry; retreats, wilderness pack trips, hunting and fishing get-aways
- College ministry retreats
- Catalytic training for other groups
Summer Projects:
- Crush Fear 2 week projects (see video to the right)
- Character building projects
- Summer interns
Local Four Corners Ministry:
- Church retreats and summer Bible camps
- Marriage retreats
- Pastor and leadership retreats
- Poor and needy ministry
- Native American ministry
- Hispanic ministry
- Ministry to children from single parent families
- Family camps
- Wedding location
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